Linda and Su are the only Insisters on this record, which was recorded in a studio one dark murky weekend with an errant sound engineer. Linda arranged it and played all instruments except drums, which were handled by Su. Sue did the lead vocals while joining Linda on backing vocals. The sessions were most certainly inspired by the Chinese take-away across the road in Jeppe St, Johannesburg City Centre. The song became "Berksie's" hit pick of the week on Radio 702 in 1981, and from there we launched into TV work and shot one of South Africa's first music videos for "Pop Shop".

It was a song written for Linda's then current infatuation - her psychiatrist. But, can be interpreted to cover many situations.
It was this song that caught the ear of Jonathan 'Rat' Handley and he signed us to Radium Wreckords his own label and got the then WEA Records and Benji Mudi to distribute and promote. Unfortunately the original master of this song has gone missing - if anyway one finds it or has it please get in touch with me.
I am going to re-record this song.
Words/Music Su Insister/Linda Dawson, copyright Sue Charlton